It's been almost a week since Cybermummy and I am on a blogging strike! Initially when I wrote this post about CyberMummy I was full of the positives on the day and don't get me wrong I had a really good time. However, after having some time to process things I am feeling a little bit confused.
Who am I?
What is my Unique Selling Point?
Who is my blog audience and what attracts them to my writing?
Will my readers judge me as a sell out if I take on sponsored posts?
Does my blog name reflect my content?
Arrgh! The thoughts in my head are like a basket of snakes. I don't know the answers to any of my questions. I started this blog as a means of keeping a record for me and JC to document his growing up. I also started it as a way of venting my frustrations at not being able to talk to people because my Postnatal Depression has taking away my social skills.
The reason for this sudden crisis of confidence? Probably the overwhelming amount of information I was fed at CyberMummy. I realised during the event that I don't have a niche or set focus for my blog. But, do I need one? Is this really important? Surely if people are following my blog and am I getting regular comments then I must appeal to somebody?
I enjoy writing posts about my life, I like to tell people my views and opinions on things. I like to think of my life as a bit of a surreal comedy and hope that other people can look at my experiences and find some humour in them to brighten their day. Sometimes I like to write deep and meaningful posts that provoke an emotional response. I like to post up pictures, usually of JC being cute or the dogs. I like to take on the occasional review and sponsored post if I feel it is relevant to me. I like to make connections with other bloggers through taking part in memes.
So what is the point of this post? I want to know what you think? I am not looking for a pep talk or warm words of encourage (although these are lovely and I thank you for them)
but I really want to know is
why are you reading this?