Friday, 1 July 2011

See Food Diet

Yep, it's been a see food and eat it diet for the past few months. I just haven't been interested. I keep starting Monday diets with grand plans and schemes but by Wednesdays I have fallen off the wagon or simply just forgot about it. So last week I blogged here about changing from the inside. I told you that I was having a think about it and would get back to you.

So as promised, this is the revised plan where I feel I have really though about what helps and hinders me. I should mention here that this isn't a sponsored post just my own opinion.


I bought a slimpod from Thinking Slimmer it's the 'lose two dress sizes' one. I used to feel that the Paul McKenna one I listened to was too long so I was attracted to the fact that this one is only 10 mins and that you are encouraged to listen to it when you go to bed. So I am officially starting this today and I am hoping for good results. I would like to try the chocoholics slimpod as I am a bit of a chocolate lover and have been really craving chocolate buttons. 

Image courtesy of Zaggora
I am eagerly awaiting my HotPants, the exercise shorts that help you get more out of your workout. I am training for my sponsored 15 mile walk at the end of July so I hope that wearing them on my walks will shape up my thighs and bum.

Image courtesy of Devotion
On a recommendation from NewMumOnline, I bought 2 Kundalini Yoga and meditation DVD's to try and shape up on the inside (thanks for the guidance Gura Liska and that isn't a joke!). Hopefully these will bring my stress levels down and take me to a place where I can manage my life better. I left my church (Catholic) when I was 18 and have never really connected with anything spiritual since. My issue isn't with religion, it's the institutions that run them. I have found that since I had JC and have really struggled with PND I have felt a bit at a loss as I don't feel I have anything spiritual to turn to in my life. I don't know if this type of yoga is for me but I am willing to give it a try. Lynne over at Ooh Baby - All thing Cuteable is trying out Dru Yoga and there is a new class that has just opened in my area so I might give that a go as well.

So will this be a lasting plan?

I hope so *fingers crossed*

I am linking this up to the Mumentum blog hop and to Lynne's Thinking Slimmer link up.