Sunday, 3 July 2011

Silent Sunday

Check out more entries at Mocha Beanie Mummy . . .


  1. Ooooh what a very clever photo Claire.  Did you go to the wedding? x

  2. No my band was the evening entertainment. This was my view from the band. X

  3. AlexanderResidence3 July 2011 at 20:03

    Now that's a very clever Silent Sunday!  Wow, was it a wedding? What an amazing place to be. Hope you had a lovely time.

  4. Thought wedding was involved and good to learn about your band a little.
    Don't explain too early though in future.
    Thanks for comment on mine.  Was broken glass but a cheap one and worth it for the pic.  Chose it as a bit of a reflection things that have happened this week in the blogging world

  5. That looks lovely there, great place for a wedding! Hope your band went down well :)

  6. That looks gorgeous! How stunning would a wedding be there, especially this weekend!

  7. Amazing photo - takes ages to work it out - love it xxx

  8. Thanks! I didn't mean for it to be so arty. It wasn't until after the photo was taken that I realised the name was in the shot. x

  9. I wasn't a guest but everyone seemed to have a fab time. The only issue was the midges, they were attacking on mass! 

  10. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the feedback was great the next day so I am pleased! 

  11. Thanks Catherine, I'm rubbish at being 'silent' I've been told off before for breaking the rules!

  12. It was a wedding but I was the entertainment, not the guest. I am a wedding singer. It was a beautiful night apart from being eaten alive by midges! 


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