Saturday 4 May 2013

An Audience With JC

JC is now 2 years 9 months and this has to be the most wonderful stage. We seem to have turned a corner with the behaviour side of things (dare I say it!) and he has taken to toilet training with little trouble. Don't get me wrong there are challenges, days when I feel like screaming at him when he point blank refuses to do a thing he's asked to. Some days when it's like he's had an injection of pure sugar and is completely out the box with energy. In balance though, there are days when he is an absolute joy to spend time with. One of my favourite aspects at the moment are his conversational skills.

He has always been a good talker but recently has started to hold proper conversations with me. I am so glad he's a chatterbox like me! 

Here is a video of his most recent ponderings . . . he goes from discussing his dinosaurs to Santa to heaven. My Grandad died a fortnight ago and it's been a really hard time with other losses around me  (hence the lack of blogging). This light hearted interview with JC really cheered me up!

I love that boy!

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