Wednesday, 23 March 2011

My First Blog Award

Many thanks to the wonderful Liska over at New Mum Online for choosing me for the Liebster Blog Award. It's an award that is given to 'little' blogs with under 300 subscribers. It's a chance to share some blog love and introduce our readers to blogs that they might not have discovered yet.

The rules (oh you know how I love rules!)

1. Display the award on a post and link back to the giver of the award.
2. Choose my own blogs to give the award to and let them know they have been chosen.
3. Hope everyone discovers some new favourite blogs.
4. Revel in the blog love.

So here are some of my favourite blogs, I have no idea how to tell how many subscribers they have so I'm sorry if I've linked you and you have more than 300! lol

1. Ooh Baby - All Things Cuteable
2. Yummy Mummy Flabby Tummy
3. Kate Takes 5 
4. JoJo's So-Called Life
5. Susan K Mann
6. Oh Mammy
7. Hello it's Gemma
8. Whiskey for Aftershave

I hope you enjoy discovering new blogs!


  1. thank you very much you are very very sweet, and I am in lovely company

  2. Congratulations, an award well won! Your blog cheers me up and I look forward to your updates x

  3. Aw thanks Claire. (I would have picked you too!)

  4. Thank you for this! Will display it with pride lol :)

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and now I have found yours, I look forward to reading more! :-) xx

  6. Thank you so much. Mine will go live on Friday. I love your blog and thank you for visiting mine. x

  7. An award! Thanks! I am very honoured to be among such esteemed company :)

    You may have noticed that my blog has been a bit neglected of late, but I'll get onto this soon as


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