Saturday, 18 June 2011

Listography - Inventions

This weeks theme over at Kate Takes 5 Listography this week is inventions that would make my life easier. I am looking forward to meeting Kate in person this week, it'll be weird as I feel like I know her already from reading her blog and taking part in Listography link ups from time to time.

Here is my list . . .

1. Automatic Nappy Changer

Something that will hold my little darling in place and change his nappy for me. I am at my wits end with him screaming and rolling over in an effort to escape me and the nappy. Now that he's crawling it's ten times worse!

2. A free dog walking service for rainy nights  (Hubby would claim that it's him)

image courtesy of
We love our dogs but there is nothing worse than looking out the window when you are about to take them out and it's pouring! Dog walkers can be expensive and we wouldn't want one all the time but it would be nice if one magically appeared when it was raining!

3. A Quick Dry and Ironing Machine

Something you could load your clothes into which dries them and irons them. My biggest annoyance when we have weather like this is that I can't get my washing hung out. I hate it when clothes are hanging all over the house in an effort to dry them. I also hate ironing and I do as little of it as I can get away with. Apparently it exists but I don't know if I'd be trusting it not to shrink stuff!

4. An eat yourself thin pill

Wouldn't it be great if you could just pop a pill when you had overindulged and it made you slimmer. No more diets! Eat and drink whatever you like and don't worry about it. Maybe it can automatically tone up your body as well, save time on exercise! Here I am tucking into something that looks healthy but it's actually a calorific caesar salad, yum!

5. Weather Controls
courtesy of

I would like to have more control over the weather. It seems from no2 and 3 on my list that I am a little weather obsessed. It can spoil your day if the weather isn't right and it is something over which you have no control. No more drowned out weddings and festivals, no more loss of crops due to drought and no more flooding. It might be a bit tricky if everyone wanted different weather but hey this is make believe, who said it had to be practical!

For more lists check out . . .
